Pets are special and add so much to our lives. They are our family. And our friends. We work to capture their personalities and show what it is we love about them, to tell their stories in every photo we take.
Pet Photography Sessions & Experiences
While we love pet photography (or, rather, pawtography), we want to create full experiences, whether through private sessions, mini session events and pup pawties, or through our exclusive Pets Anderson Days.
Private Sessions
Capture what you love about your pet (or pets) and let their full personality shine! Experience a private luxury pet photography session.
Mini Session Events
Mini sessions are a fun way to sample our work. We host events in a variety of locations and with different themes so that each session is unique.
Pup Pawties
From birthdays to private group mini session events, pawties are a fun way to socialize (& capture memories) with all your 4- & 2-legged friends.
Pets Anderson Days
A few times a year, Bougie Pet Pawtography produces one-of-a-kind events in the theme of Wes Anderson, which you won't want to miss!